How to get purple shampoo out of hair extensions

Have you ever witnessed your hair extensions turning shades of purple or blue? I am sure you must have if you have got bleached, white, or blonde-colored extensions. On one side, these beautiful colored extensions make you look impeccable, but on the other, they quickly fade to a yellow tone. And what is better than a purple shampoo to combat the brassiness of your beloved extensions? As great as it sounds, purple shampoos might save you from the yellowness, but what about the horrible purple stains left behind?

Purple shampoo featuring violet hues overrules the brassiness of the hair/extensions. While it is a savior for the blonde/bleached extensions, it leaves dreadful purple stains behind, which requires other extra efforts to get it off. This article is specifically for you if you are also the victim of purple shampoo blemishes. With my terrible experience with purple shampoos, I have discovered the best ways to help you with how to get purple shampoo out of hair extensions.

Causes that turned your extension purple after using purple shampoo


Purple shampoo or any other color shampoo are all color-depositing shampoos that are highly pigmented that can leave marks behind on anything that comes in contact with it. A small fluff and you would end up with dreading purple stains on your hair which can lead to dreading purple stains on your hair. Now, this can happen for many reasons properly. Now, this can happen for a lot of reasons, out of which the most important one is not using it appropriately. Not rinsing it or leaving it for a long time can cause the purple color pigments to deposit in your extensions.

The other reasons that can cause purple stains on extensions are:

  • Rinsing hair with a purple shampoo frequently. 
  • Your purple shampoo is too strong for your hair extensions type/color. 
  • You have penetrable hairs leading to the over-penetration of purple hues in extensions.

These common reasons cause your extensions to end up with purple spots. However, there is nothing to worry about. Those purple stains are temporary, and you can gradually revive the true color of your extensions.

How to get purple shampoo out of hair extensions

How to get purple shampoo out of hair extensions

If you have messed up your extensions after using purple shampoo, then fret not because I have been in your shoes many times. Yet, I have always rejuvenated my flawless extensions each time in some of the best ways. 

Although purple stains fade a little with every wash, it takes time to get it all out. If you are the one who is short of time and can’t wait for such horrible stains to fade on their own, then follow any of these best ways and remove purple shampoo from your hair extensions in no time.

Clarifying Shampoo

This is the best method to get rid of purple stains from extensions asap. A clarifying shampoo on extensions will usurp all the pigments and residue. It will also strip all the oils from extensions, leaving them all dehydrated hence make sure to deeply condition them afterward to revive the perfect look of your extensions.

Out of all the clarifying shampoos, I got my hands on the Paul Mitchell clarifying shampoo and have been using it since then. It works wonders when clearing all the buildup and pigments from your hair/extensions. Get yourself this amazing shampoo and remove any color marks from your extensions in little to no time.

Baking Soda

baking soda

When it comes to tough stains, baking soda is the ultimate solution. Even if the stains are on your extension hairs, baking soda can wipe them out. Mix your shampoo with a spoon of baking soda and apply it to your pigmented hair to get rid of all the horrifying purple shampoo. Make sure to rinse it well and use a conditioner or a hair mask later on to make it all moisturizing and hydrating.

PH-Balanced Shampoo

Ph-balanced or sulfate shampoo is yet another way to remove the purple stains from extensions. However, it is a slow process that would take time to work. Using it repeatedly to get the desired result quickly is not the solution to getting the results fast; it would only make it worse. You can go for a cheap or a costly ph balanced shampoo of your choice and ensure it has the best cleansing agents to remove the pigmented stains from hair.

I have had the experience of using Neutrogena Healthy Scalp gentle & soft shampoo, and it amazed me with its outcomes and lightweight moisture. This pocket-friendly and easy-to-find shampoo may work best if you want to go for any ph-balanced shampoo.

Dish Soap

As strange as it sounds, dish soap is a great way to remove the purple shampoo from your extensions. Apply it on your extensions once daily and leave it for some time before rinsing it well. It would remove purple or blue color pigmentation from your hair as much as possible in a little time.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can also remove the horrible purple shampoo from your extensions. Mix a spoonful of lemon juice with some water and spray it on the spots; leave it for a little while and rinse it well with your shampoo. 

You can also mix the lemon juice with your conditioner to get the desired outcome. Or you can also combine it with dish soap and apply it after the wash to eliminate all the purple blemishes on extensions.

Dandruff Shampoo

It is yet another easy way to remove the purple spots from extensions/hairs. Dandruff shampoos are effective for dandruff and unwanted pigmentation and can do wonders if used consistently. Remember, it is a little time taking process, and you have to wait to get your desired results. 

Color Remover

If you are done with testing all the other methods and still can’t get out the horrifying purple shampoo from your extensions before bleaching, do try color remover. 

As the name suggests, color removers are specifically formulated to remove hair pigments. However, people often avoid color removers as they damage hair. One must be quite careful while applying color remover. One wrong move, and you can end up with damaged extensions in no time. Make sure to follow the instructions on the product, and don’t forget to moisturize your hair once you are all done deeply.

Make sure to condition your hair/extensions deeply after every wash, as each of these ways will strip you out of all sorts of essential oils, leaving it all rough and dry.

With the aforementioned best ways, I am sure you can get rid of any pigmentation from your extensions and will be able to slay again. 

How long does it take to get purple shampoo out of your hair extensions?

how long to get purple shampoo out

Many extension users inquire whether purple shampoo will wash out instantly.

The answer depends son several factors, but the most important thing is the amount of purple shampoo stuck in your hair extensions. The more the amount, the more time it will take to get it all off. 

Other than that, it also depends on the way you opt. If you have opted for dish soap or shampoos, it will take a lot of time to get rid of all the pigmentation. But if you have opted for clarifying shampoo or the color remover, you will get your extensions’ true color back in very little time.

Your hair color and type also play a major role in removing the purple shampoo from hair extensions. The key rule is to stay consistent with whatever method you choose and keep trying till all the pigmentation is removed.

Dos & Donts for purple shampoo

Dos & Donts for purple shampoo

If you have bleached/blonde hair extensions, then purple shampoo is something you cannot avoid. And that is fine because purple shampoos aren’t horrifying if used properly. With my experience with purple shampoos so far, I have shortlisted some do’s and don’ts of purple shampoo and how to get purple shampoo out of hair extensions to avoid getting any purple stains on extensions. Have a look at it and enjoy using purple shampoo for the rest of your life without giving it a second thought.

Do’s Of Purple Shampoo

  • Always read the instructions carefully on your shampoo before giving it a try.
  • Do not assume that all purple shampoos are used in the same way.
  • Make sure you have read every instruction closely to avoid getting any blemishes on your hair extensions.

Don’ts Of Purple Shampoo

  • Don’t use it like a normal shampoo on your wet hair. Always use it on dry hairs to get the best retribution of the yellow tone. 
  • Don’t leave it for a long time ever on your extensions. Try leaving it for 3-5 minutes first and see how it works for your hair type. If you don’t get your desired outcome in that time, increase the time to find the befitting time for your hair.
  • Try to use it as little as possible. Using it frequently after every two days can leave your hair with ugly purple spots.

📌 Related: How to make bleached hair soft and silky


Avoiding purple shampoo for some time is okay, but in the long run, it’s quite impossible, especially when you have blonde hair. I have tried using other ways to neutralize the yellow tone of my extensions using other ways but didn’t get the best outcomes as that of the purple shampoo. Hence, I explored ways of using purple shampoo appropriately without ending up with blemishes which I mentioned above in the article. 

You can also follow the dos of purple shampoo to avoid all sorts of purple stains or marks on your extensions. If you already have a few purple marks on your extensions, try out the best ways and get rid of all the pigmentation from your extensions in no time.