Why is my hair poofy after I straighten it (Causes & Fixes)

Since hair straightening has been popular for a while, many women enjoy switching up their hairstyles daily by straightening their strands to achieve a shiny, straight, and voluminous appearance.

Hair straightening is quite easy, and one can get their desired look by investing a few minutes, but what if, in the end, your strands still require heat styling, giving you a ragged, dry appearance?

If you have been in such a situation, you must have wondered, “why is my hair poofy after I straighten it.” 

I have come up with detailed research and my first-hand experience to help you get out of this issue. Let’s get begun! 

Why is my hair poofy after i straighten it?

Poofy hair shows damaged, dry hair and high porosity strands, an outcome of moisture-deprived locks, excessive overheating, and split ends. Frequent exposure to chlorinated water can also spark the issue. Using a heat protectant, proper oiling to seal moisture, and investing in a good shampoo and conditioner can bring back healthy hair again. Here is more about Low vs. High porosity hair if you are curious.

6 possible reasons to why is my hair poofy after I straighten it

Why is my hair poofy after I straighten it

When it comes to experiencing poofy hair, I have got a list of factors contributing to risk your hair look. Below are them: 

Using harsh hair products

Maintaining hair health is only possible by investing in quality hair products and following a proper routine to apply them. But what if you have never looked into the ingredients before getting your hands on your hair product and have been using the wrong one all these months?

Hair products containing harsh chemicals (especially hair color) and shampoos with sulfates and alcohol strip out the natural oil and shine and can leave your hair frizzy after straightening.

Moisture deprived hair

Moisture hair

Dry hair shows that your strands lack enough moisture to stay in place, leaving them poofy no matter how much you straighten them. 

If your hair does not get sufficient moisture to keep itself up to the mark, it turns more difficult to lay them straight after combing, feels rough, and is more to get poofy and damaged after heat styling.

Washing your hair too often 

Healthy hair looks shiny and voluminous and stays in place for longer after you style them. If this is not the case with you, you must wonder, “why is my hair poofy after I straighten it.”

Poofy hair can result from the ineffective hair-washing routine you may have been following. Shampooing your strand every other day is your wrong routine, contributing to lifting the hair cuticle and disturbing the natural oil in your strand to work effectively. 

Not only this, frequent hair washing turns the strand weak and dry, and it is highly likely to get poofy after you straighten it. 

Skipping conditioner in hair wash routine

If it has been a long since you last conditioned your hair, do them immediately. 

By skipping the conditioner after shampooing your hair, you deprive them of nutrients and moisturizing ingredients. 

Conditioners are provided with enriched nutrients and moisturizing ingredients to help the cuticle stay in place through its protective layering and fight against poofy hairs. 

Skipping it can be one of the important factors in leaving you with poofy straight hair and putting all your efforts in vain. 

Product buildup

If you offer the right amount of moisture to your hair, follow a proper hair care routine, and use the right hair products but still get poofy hair after heat styling, this is the sign that your hair roots are not getting the provided moisture.

If you have noticed yellowish or white blobs glued to your hair, it indicates product buildup. Hair buildup tends to lose the hair’s natural shine, increases puffiness, and results in excessive hair loss. 

📌 Here is to What does hair build-up look like & how to get rid of 

Exposure to chlorinated water

You have read it right! 

Exposure to chlorinated water can lead to the experience of poofy hair after straightening. Chlorinated water acts as a harsh oxidizer, and when it comes in contact with the hair, it damages the proactive layer of the cuticle and strips off the natural oil essential to avoid poofy hairs. 

If you have frequent exposure to chlorinated water without any hair damage preventive measures, be ready to look forward to coarse, dry, and frizzy hair. 

Possible fixes to poofy hairs

poofy hair fixes

Poofy hair seriously affects one’s look and makes everyday hair styling a real challenge. The good news is that you can get back your beautiful, perfect hair by incorporating the following tips into your daily routine. 

Let’s start talking about how to fix frizzy hair after straightening.

Invest in a quality shampoo and conditioner

Since shampoo and conditioner are a must part of your hair care routine, you must get your hands on products that include no sulfates traces, are alcohol-free, and are provided with enough moisturizing ingredients to nourish your hair perfectly. 

Ensure it does not contain heavy silicones or butter ingredients to prevent weighing down your hair. 

Use a heat protectant before straightening

You must know that heat styling can damage your hair cuticle and cause frizz. This issue can be fixed by applying a heat protectant before hair straightening. Heat protectant acts as a protective shield by targeting weak areas, increases the smoothness, and helps tame puffiness.

Rinse your hair with lukewarm water 

Another quick fix to your poofy hair is that do not to rinse your hair with super hot or cold water. Go for a lukewarm water rinse to keep the cuticles in place, ensuring healthy hair growth. 

Air-dry your hair 

A proper moisture level in your hair is all you need to avoid puffiness. But when it comes to blow drying, it has the potential to dehydrate your natural strands. To maintain the moisture level and avoid hair dryness, it is recommended to allow your hair dry naturally.

Sleep on a silk pillowcase

Sleeping on a rough pillow case can ruffle the cuticle layer and extract the moisture from your strands, causing puffiness and split ends. The issue can be addressed by switching to a silk pillowcase, so your hair smoothly glides but does not rub over the pillow. 

Home remedies you should try

There is no other quick and natural way to fix poofy hair but to try some easy home remedies that are free from any chemicals and provides all the essential nutrients to help the hair grow shinier and stronger.

I have got you some home remedies for poofy hair after straightening. 

Aloe vera hair conditioning mask

Aloe vera hair conditioning mask

Ingredients you need:

  • Aloe vera gel
  • Coconut oil
  • Lemon


Take four tablespoons of aloe vera gel in a bowl with four tablespoons of coconut oil. Now add the lemon juice to it and mix the ingredients. Apply the mask to your hair for an hour and later wash it with a moisturizing shampoo to tackle puffiness. 


Aloe vera is a great home remedy to beat puffiness, as it serves as a great conditioner and leaves the hair smooth and shiny. If you are looking forward to rejuvenating your strands with a natural product, you must go for this conditioning mask. 

Egg protein hair mask

Egg protein hair mask


  • Egg 
  • Yogurt 


Take an egg, break it in the bowl and separate the white and yolk if you have oily strands. (Use the whole egg with your regular hair.) Add two tablespoons of yogurt to the egg and beat the mixture well.

Apply the mask to the full length of your hair and leave for 20 minutes. Later wash your hair with a good quality shampoo and witness the magic. 


Yogurt is known to reverse damage caused by product buildup and naturally repair hair with lactic acid. This means you can prevent damage without exposing your strands to harsh products. 

Overall, this egg protein hair mask reduces hair loss, increases shine and makes the hair manageable.

It’s your turn! 

Many hairstyles are only possible with hair straightening, and it is hard to skip experiencing puffy hair. But a little change in your daily hair care routine can go a long way. My above-shared fixes for poofy hair and home remedies will help you get out of the stress this issue gave you and bring you back healthier and more voluminous hair than ever! 


Why does my hair puff up after straightening?

If your hair puffs up after straightening, it shows that it needs moisture to maintain the cuticle’s health, or you have been using hair products with unfriendly ingredients causing damage. 

Is it OK to put oil on my hair before straightening it?

Applying hair oil before straightening is not a good idea because the heat can cause moisture to steam and damage the protective layering of the hair. Using a heat protectant spray is the right way to follow heat styling. 

What should I not do before straightening my hair?

Avoid putting any other product on your hair, but the heat protectant spray before straightening them. Always prepare your hair by shampooing and conditioning it, followed by a proper rinse. Let the strands air dry, and you are all set to go. 

What to apply before straightening?

Always use a heat protectant spray before straightening your hair to protectant them from any possible heat damage, keep them soft, and avoid frizziness.

How do I best straighten curly hair?

Straightening curly hairs are quite challenging, but you can prepare them by rinsing them with a straightening shampoo, followed by a leave-in conditioner and oil-based heat protectant spray. Make sure the hair is completely dry before subjecting it to heat.