Can you swim with hair extensions?

Are you regretting your choice of installing hair extensions with a beach party invitation for the weekend and a call from your physical training center to be back to your swim practices? 

The women who love wearing hair extensions often wonder if is it OK to go swimming with hair extensions. 

My self, I’m a passionate extensionist, furthermore, I asked a few experienced in my connections and came up with a comprehensive guide on, How to swim with extensions?

Can you swim with hair extensions

Can you swim with hair extensions?

As an extensionist, I have often been questioned, “Can you swim with hair extensions?” 

Here is to all the women who love to swim and dive deep; please be aware that swimming with your hair extensions in a chlorinated pool or a salty ocean can negatively impact the outcome quality of the installed strands. It can cause your natural hair strands to look dry and dull, changing the color and turning it extra fragile.

The chlorinated pool or salty ocean water is not only bad for your scalp’s health. It causes dry hair, but it also affects braided extensions, which need extra care and maintenance from day one to keep the look durable.

How to swim with hair extensions?

Strong women seek solutions, and so do we!

Leaving your favorite activity is not an option, so here are some tips for the women questioning, can you swim with hair extensions?

Following the mentioned slight precautions will make you all fit to enjoy a deep dive with your hair extensions without compromising your glamorous look and maintaining weaves integrity. 

Hair care before you swim

Wet your hair before jumping to swim


The chlorinated pool or the salty ocean water is bad for your natural hair and your beloved hair extensions. When chlorinated water comes into contact with your extensions, it shortens their life and degrades their natural appearance.

We recommend you take a freshwater bath before going swim. Your wet hair extension will probably soak up less chlorine and make your extensions durable and look fresh. 

Use a hair conditioner

Conditioner for extension care

It is a good idea to condition the ends of your hair before leaving to swim on a hot summer day. Look for a high-quality conditioner (one that contains dimethicone is preferable) to coat the strands of your extension, acting as a protective barrier between chlorine and your hair weaves.

Braid your hair

Gently brush your artificial strands through, from the end to the full length, to detangle the strands. Now make a braid of your hair before you get into the chlorinated pool to swim. The braided style provides much safety to the weaves, rather than the open hair extension, which is more prone to be tangled if you stay in the pool for a long time. 

Hair care while you swim

Use a swimming cap

Exposing the extension to the pool containing chlorine or salt can cause tangling. Moreover, in case of exposure to such an environment, the braids are at a higher risk of getting dry, losing their strength, and increasing split end. 

Swim cap for extensions

To avoid such issues, try to keep your head out of the pool as much as possible. Wearing the hair cap will be the best solution to avoid damage to hair extensions while swimming. 

Hair care after your swim

Dry your extension after coming out of the pool

Even after all the prevention and wearing a swimming cap, some of the chlorinated water and sand particles still come in contact with your weaves. It is OK to go swimming with hair extensions by getting rid of contaminated particles as soon as you get out of the water. 

Extension care guide for swimming

I suggest drying your strands immediately after swimming and brushing the strand to avoid tangling and keep the bond secure. 

Shampoo hair and use conditioner

Extension care after swim

To make sure that your strands have not absorbed any chlorinated or salt particles after the deep diving, dry your extensions followed by a freshwater bath. Shampoo your hair gently to take out all the dirt particles from your natural roots. 

Using a leave-in conditioner (I use Moroccanoil All In One Leave in Conditioner) after the bath will provide more protection to the scalp and weaving and will work best in repairing any possible side effects. 

📌 Checkout: Sew in hair extensions pros and cons


Does chlorine ruin hair extensions?

Chlorine has very damaging effects on extensions. Exposing your hair weaves to chlorinated water can disturb the scalp’s natural health, causing dryness and color loss and welcoming unwanted warm tones in the hair extension. 

How can I protect my hair extensions while swimming? 

You can protect your extensions following the pre and pro-swim hair care tips. 

Prepare your hair with a conditioner and braid your hair before jumping to swim. Always wear a swimming cap to prevent chlorinated or salty water contact with your hair. Immediately dry your hair after getting out of the pool and wash your hair with fresh water to remove any harmful particulates on your scalp and preserve the health of your extension. 


You must have got all your query answered about, can you swim with hair extensions”. 

Now you are all set to enjoy a pool or beach day without worrying about your weaves or extensions getting damaged by protecting them from the chlorine or sand particles to reach the roots and cause any harm.